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Tips on supporting loved ones with memory difficulties

Caring for those with memory issues can be a challenging task. It is important to try to understand their perspective and communicate with patience and kindness. Creating a safe and comfortable environment can also help to reduce confusion...

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Resolute Home Care Services

Transitioning To Home Care

As aging comes about there are many challenges that are present not only for the aging individual, but for the family and loved one's present. As a loved one or an adult child you might find there is just too much on your plate, and you just can't...

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Resolute Home Care Services

5 Benefits of Aging at Home

Independence At times being admitted to a nursing home or facility can feel like you have loss your independence. Having to live somewhere that is also unfamiliar can take a toll on ones dependence. Staying home is comfortable and less change to...

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Resolute Home Care Services

5 Reasons You May Need A Caregiver

Incontinence According to Approximately 13 million Americans are incontinent; 85 percent of who are women. Incontinence is most common among the elderly. Fifty percent or more of elderly persons living at home or in long-term care...

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Fall Risk

Fall risk are very common among seniors and disabled . Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries to older Americans. Every 11 seconds, an older adult goes to an emergency department to treat an injury from a fall,...

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