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Transitioning To Home Care

As aging comes about there are many challenges that are present not only for the aging individual, but for the family and loved one’s present. As a loved one or an adult child you might find there is just too much on your plate, and you just can’t do it all!

Now, you look and see that you are focused on career, children, children going to college, or even your children beginning kindergarten. You many have just bought a new house, started a new business venture, or just got married. Your aging loved one may be chronically ill, developed dementia, fragile and just can’t get around like they used to. Here is a good time to look for help, and that help is home care.

The issue that is commonly faced is that transition. Your mom and dad may not be used to not doing things on their own. As some age seemingly independence can feel like it is slipping away, and the thought of someone helping out with daily living tasks can really feel uncomfortable. Often time the suggestion of home care to your elderly loved one can get rejected even when they may know it’s the best thing to apply to their lives at the time.

The best way to deal with this is to be realistic! Explain to your loved one that priority is the quality of life being maintained. As they get older having support can help you as a loved one as well. The burden of your aging loved one depending on you can take a toll on your life tremendously. Helping your loved one adjust can be challenging , but it can be done.

Sharing that they are being assisted and not a stranger coming into their home to help them because they are not able, is not the best way to get adjusted. Taking it one step at a time is key. Begin with a few hours a week with a caregiver to get adjusted. You never know the impact this will have. Taking a walk after lunch or a simple conversation might spark the acceptance of this new part of life.

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